I love this app it is amazing! It makes it so easy to write and share books and short stories and you get to read others based on genres and it is awesome
I love this app it is amazing! It makes it so easy to write and share books and short stories and you get to read others based on genres and it is awesome
With this app I could write and publish anything without issues of copyright and profanity and I could really express my creativity, and i thank you for that, but just one thing. Maybe we can name our chapters?
I love this app but there are some things that bug me. 1) When you put a profile pic and leave, it doesnt save! I really wish it did. 2) Also, people dont ever look at my stories. Its as if it doesnt even post until a few hours! And I work hard on them! 3) The searching doesnt even work. There is no stories that pop up when you search. 4) Something really annoying is the comment glitch because it says it didnt save but it did. I finally knew that when I read the review because I kept on spamming my comment. >.< Thats annoying..very... PLEASE FIX THESE ANNOYING THINGS! But I think you wont. I heard in the app that you ABANDONED THE APP! Like, is this for real?!
Like my title says, I used to love this SO MUCH when I was an early writer. But now, it seems more glitchy than how it used to be. A: I cant comment on anything, because it just constantly brings up the Problem uploading your comment all the time, so I can never do RPs! B: People can write in your books?! REALLY guys?! :/
I love this so much! Only thing is half the time my drafts wont load and so it wont let me publish chapters.
This app is great for writers who are looking for feedback, beta readers, or just stories to read. I love it, and find myself on it all the time! From romance genres to sci-fi genres, its pretty all inclusive. Come check out my stories!
This app is pretty awesome. The features are great, the communitys great, everythings just great. If youre a writer and you want your stories be seen then download this app and type away!
There are a few issues with reverting your chapter back to drafts, but other than that, the app itself is amazing!
This app is amazing, so many active stories and RPs to choose from its hard not to get caught up in it, this app is very easy to become obsessed over waiting for your other author to write a chapter so you can write the suspense is almost unbearable. But everyone is very nice you wont get turned down if you ask to join anything so its a pretty enjoyable app.
I didnt get this app but I think its funny that you use a Jeremy Cowart picture of the Internet when he is not a writer... He is a photographer. Also, that is called copyrighting!
Way to vent your soul.