I like the inspiration this app provides in format to write anything... "If its not written, it cant be red", (please feel free to edit), SonyaBertelson
Okay. I LOVE this app- I really do. Im on it all the time--- but I CANNOT get ANY pictures to work. Not for books NOR my profile... Can you guys FIX this PLEASE? I mean- you updated it 3 YEARS AGO...
Very good app for young writers!
It helps write the stories I love
Theres a few glitches. I honestly love it even though Im a serious writer and this is more causal, but it is awesome because I can take on more stories and I dont have to be super professional. The community makes it worth it. Overall its a great app.
Great social story app, I defiantly recommend this app for writers.
Nice app to have love to write books with it! I love to do roleplays, and I have a lot of fans. The app has its glitches, but it is overall a good app. It is the only app that I havent given up on yet.
I like writing and reading so this is a perfect app for me. The only thing is like I dont have any locks at all and I never got any, I dont know how to get them either. I cant put private thoughts because itll be public, so I need locks. Otherwise its a pretty good app. Id totally recommend it to you.
I like the app and the set up, but I wish that you didnt have to BUY locks. Ive worked on Wattpad for a while, but wanted to try out my new story here, but I worry that someone will change it. Perhaps thats just paranoia, but you can never be quite sure. But still, good app, just a little lacking.
This app is the greatest thing I could ever use I can always write with my writing buddies and everyone else I have fun too please give good updates where we can talk to each other in a chat so we can figure out how to make good books together!
I reall really really love this app but I have just one suggestion could you pretty pretty please make an update where you can choose if ppl can add to your stories or not like where they can add chapters I thk we should be able to choose if ppl can add or not without having to buy a lock or whatever. Thanks! I love Pocket Writer!!
1. You should be able to design the cover of your book not just put the title. Look at books you buy at a bookstore they have titles and a picture and the author on the cover. 2. You shouldnt be able to write in another authors book. 3. Needs to be where you can change pages and chapters. If you have an idea for your story but it doesnt belong at the beginning then you need to be able to add it to the book in another location whether that is on another page or another chapter.
I love this app but every time it glitches it deletes all my drafts, please fix
I was dying to get my ideas onto a story to share and now, I got my opportunity. This app lets u rate other peoples stories and I like that. I love this app!!!
This is amazing and awesome, this is a great way to show people stories you write and you can read stories too
Dude!!! Its time to update your app!! Fix its glitches and make it better.
I think this app is awesome
The app does have a few minor glitches but none too serious. This is a great app for aspiring writers. A way to send out your talent and ideas to the public and get feedback. I would highly recommend this app.